
Chubold my clone army
Chubold my clone army

chubold my clone army chubold my clone army

I do cuttings both ways and never have problems. I like to put a clear plastic sandwich baggie/large baggie over the plant for 24-48 hrs only,to ensure proper hydration. Stick cutting in hole, tamp down with fingers to ensure good seal, lightly water w/ mixture again, and spray cutting only once w/ mixture. Tamil tv serial actress shilpa hot navel. Now get your cutting and razor and very lightly scrape off the outer layering of the cut-from the 45 degree cut up the stem to about 1/2', dry it with paper towel and stick in rooting gel for a min. Water medium with solution of choice, place small hole in medium with toothpick. Get yourself some small pots, beer cups, styrofoam cups, etc. First, you have to start out with good-healthy stock moms. If ya growing in a medium this works gr8.

chubold my clone army

Plugs cannot compete with this method,imvho, plus you don't have to xplant as much,and they have larger root balls to plant ratio, which equals larger yields and established plants. Within 3-5 days,well you can see the results from the pics below. I can grow larger and better cutting with this method below. I stopped using all those plugs, domes, peat plugs, etc. Keep it at 1/8th to a 1/4 inch high from the bottom. Dont let their water run out of the bottom tray.

chubold my clone army

How would you like it if you got CUT of your momma AND your food taken away? Sounds like your doing well. You cant not feed them and have a healthy clone. The best thing you can do for a rooting clone is leave it alone.įeed your clones 1/4 strength nutes. Dont mist your clones, theres no need if you have a hood, it will harm them more then help. Clones dont like heat, you should always keep clone rooms at 73 degrees. Not to sure if your in a bubble cloner, only did that once and they rooted really really fast, I just like the silence of pucks. Description: Original upload: | From chubold volume 5 of the. Category: Download: You need to Login or Signup first.

Chubold my clone army